M.D.C Engineering takes another step towards bringing its production in-house!

Image d'un centre d'usinage numérique permettant d'usiner différentes pièces

We are proud to announce that our premises are now equipped with two new machining centres and a lathe. This acquisition allows us to bring the production of our various parts in-house, guaranteeing greater efficiency and precision in our manufacturing process.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to the Région Centre-Val de Loire Europe and 𝗹’𝗨𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗘𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲́𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗲 who, thanks to their funding of €162k for the “Productive Investments” project, made the acquisition of these two machines possible.

Digital Machining Centre Operation: Precision and Flexibility for Prismatic Parts

The machining centre is a sophisticated machine tool designed to work on prismatic parts, i.e. parts with a variety of geometric shapes.

Unlike cylindrical parts machined on a lathe, these remain fixed in the machining centre, while it is the cutting tool that performs the movements required to remove the material.

The machining centre is distinguished by its ability to operate on several axes: the X, Y and Z axes, enabling precise three-dimensional movements around the workpiece. Some machining centres also have a C axis for even more complex operations, although this is rare.

This tool enables complex operations such as milling, drilling and tapping to be carried out, while guaranteeing high quality machined parts.


Why invest in a Digital Machining Centre: Optimised Internalisation and Profitability

As with the lathe, the acquisition of a machining centre is part of an in-house strategy aimed at optimising our production process, particularly for the design of mixer caps.

In this way, we are strengthening our control over the production process, reducing costs and saving significant amounts of time.

What we can do with our Digital Machining Centre

Using our machining centre, we are able to carry out a wide range of technical operations. These include milling complex parts, precision drilling, tapping and reaming various materials.

We produce a wide range of parts, such as measuring brackets, bearings, mixer caps and many other small parts.

Image d'un tour numérique permettant l'usinage de différentes pièces sur différents axes


How a Machining Lathe Works: Precision and Versatility at the Heart of Production

The machining lathe is an essential machine tool in the industrial sector, enabling parts to be shaped with great precision.

Its operation is based mainly on the rotation of the workpiece, generally made of metal, plastic or stainless steel, with the tool stripping off the material. However, in certain configurations, the workpiece can remain fixed, and it is the tool that moves mechanically to carry out the machining.

This machine can work on several axes, in particular the X, Y, Z and C axes, offering flexibility in the creation of complex shapes and the performance of various operations such as turning, threading and reaming.

Why invest in a Machining lathe? Control and Profitability

The acquisition of a digital machining lathe meets several strategic challenges.

By bringing cylinder design in-house, we are strengthening our control over the production process, enabling us to be more responsive to the specific needs of our customers.

By eliminating our dependence on external service providers, we are saving significant amounts of time, reducing manufacturing and delivery times. This strategic choice also has a significant economic advantage: by integrating this skill internally, we reduce the costs associated with subcontracting, while increasing our ability to control the quality of finished products.


What we can achieve with our Digital Machining Lathe

With the digital machining lathe, we are able to carry out a variety of applications including cylinder turning, precision threading, boring, grooving, as well as the manufacture of tapered parts or specific shapes.

Whether for steel, stainless steel or plastic components, our equipment enables us to produce customised parts that meet the most stringent requirements in terms of precision and quality.



The integration of a lathe and a machining centre into our production chain offers high precision, reducing margins of error and improving the quality of finished products.

What’s more, the efficiency of these machines translates into a multiplication of production capacity, enabling us to respond more quickly and in greater quantity to the many requests we receive.

Finally, the speed with which machining operations can be carried out, combined with the ergonomic design of the control panels, makes the machine easier to use, even for less experienced operators.


Image stipulant le support du projet du centre val de loire


The FEDER-FSE+ 2021-2027 programme of the Centre-Val de Loire region played a key role in supporting our project to acquire the lathe and machining centre.

This programme is part of the European Union’s cohesion policy, which aims to strengthen innovation, competitiveness and the digital transition in the regions.

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) focuses on funding innovation, research and the energy transition, while the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) invests in human capital, promoting vocational training and social inclusion

This programme is made up of four strategic objectives containing 7 priorities for action (axes 1 to 7):

  • SO1: A more competitive and intelligent Europe by encouraging intelligent and innovative economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity.
    • Axis 1: Strengthening research and innovation, economic transition, competitiveness and digitisation
    • Axis 2: Digital connectivity
  • SO2: A greener Europe by promoting the energy transition, the circular economy, climate change and risk management, and sustainable urban mobility.
    • Axis 3: Energy and ecological transition
    • Axis 4: Sustainable urban mobility
  • OS4: A more social and inclusive Europe implementing the European set of social rights
    • Axis 5: Employment, guidance, training and the social economy
  • SO5: A Europe closer to its citizens by promoting the sustainable and integrated development of all types of territories and local initiatives
    • Axis 6: Territorial approach to enhance the attractiveness and cohesion of areas
    • Axis 7: Support interregional initiatives in the Loire Basin

Our project received support under Axis 1 of the ERDF’s Strategic Objective OS1, which aims to strengthen research, innovation, economic competitiveness and digitisation.

Thanks to this aid, we have been able to internalise important skills for our production, while contributing to regional competitiveness and innovation, in line with the objectives of this European programme.